Sweet Harmony: Collaboration and Celebration 

MAY 22, 2024 | PRACTUS LLP

Sweet Harmony: Collaboration and Celebration 

Authored by Tracey Watson

The finale of our Sweet 6 Year Anniversary series is here! Each year, this series reminds us of our humble beginnings and the dynamic growth driven by our people, technology, and culture. Each element has played a pivotal role in shaping who we are today, but this final part of the series is what brings it all together in Sweet Harmony by sharing our culture of collaboration and celebration. It’s what makes Practus different from any other law firm out there.  

Our culture is an investment; and it’s an investment that we are proud to make every single step of the way. Part 4 of this series will share just how much the collaboration and celebration side of Practus helps our team work together, represent clients more effectively, and actually enjoy where we work!  

1. Strategic Growth and Collaboration 

At Practus, collaboration is critical to effectively represent our clients on complex legal matters and issues that span across practice areas, which is why it’s a cornerstone of our firm culture. We strategically expand to include complementary practice areas, ensuring our team is equipped to proactively handle a broad spectrum of matters and continue to represent clients as their legal needs evolve.  

Our intentional growth, focused on specific experience rather than headcount alone, fosters an environment where attorneys with diverse practice area and industry knowledge can collaborate on joint engagements, providing comprehensive representation for clients. By leveraging each other’s skills, we’re able to create more cohesive, integrated services throughout the lifecycle of a client’s needs. 

2. Technology: Bridging Time Zones and Enhancing Collaboration 

Practus’s ability to focus on collaboration is only strengthened by our innovative use of technology. With advanced tools and platforms, we remove the limitations of physical office locations, enabling seamless connection across time zones. Whether it’s through virtual meetings, shared digital workspaces, or real-time communication channels, our technology infrastructure ensures that our team stays connected not only with each other, but withour clients no matter where they are in the world.  

Our approach to technology enhances our ability to work together efficiently and helps us bridge the gap of growing legal deserts. The virtual law firm model connects those in rural areas to full-service firms that traditionally would only be available in major metropolitan areas. Collaboration, technology, and attorneys licensed across multiple jurisdictions are all necessary for effective representation of clients, regardless of where they live. 

3. Celebrating Achievements and Building Connections 

Celebration is an integral part of our firm culture (obviously… as this is part 4 of our anniversary series)! It’s not just about celebrating Practus though; we recognize the accomplishments of individual attorneys, non-legal team members, and practice areas. From major legal victories to personal milestones like marathon runs or little league baseball wins, every achievement is a cause for celebration. These moments build upon our community-style approach to our law firm’s culture, helping us connect on a deeper level while avoiding working in silos. 

That being said, we definitely go all out for our firm-wide celebrations – like our upcoming Practus Pie-looza celebrating our 6th anniversary. This sweet-themed event is going to be our biggest yet, culminating in a Best in Show Pie Prize for the best decorated pie! Celebrations like these are a fun way to get to know each other while reinforcing our commitment to a supportive and collaborative culture. 

As we wrap up our 6th anniversary series, we are so grateful for each and every person that has made it possible to get to where we are today: our clients, our team, our attorneys, and anyone that has put their trust into Practus. The journey has been sweet, marked by innovation, growth, and the unwavering dedication of our team. Here’s to many more years of sweet harmony, collaboration, and celebration at Practus! 

Catch up on the full series: 
The Authors
Tracey Watson
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