Chris Colvin

Chris Colvin

New York, NY


Chris has been featured in:

  • Cyber Warfare and the Corporate Environment, Journal of Law & Cyber Warfare (August 2013)
  • A “Third Way” to Staff High-Stakes Litigation Matters, Corporate Counsel Magazine (July 2013)
  • National Law Journal article citing effective use of social media in legal industry (Oct 2011)
  • Wall Street Journal and IP 360 articles featuring Casella v. The Wine Group case (Feb 2011)
  • HealthLaw 360 article featuring win in Bracco v. Amersham Lanham Act case (March 2009)
  • Higher Authority: The Supreme Court Sets Its Sights on Patent Rights, Metropolitan Corporate Counsel (September 2008)
  • The Truth is Out There: Five Key Points on Willfulness Under the Lanham Act, Atlantic Coast In-House (May 2008)
  • Be Aware and Take Action on Your IP Rights, Furniture Today (March 2007)
  • Hatch-Waxman and its Implications for Pharmaceutical Research, IAM Magazine (Feb 2006)
  • The Human Dimension in IP Valuation, IP Value 2006 (January 2006)
  • 10 Questions for Evaluating a Company’s IP Portfolio, Journal of Corporate Compliance (December 2005)
  • The American Lawyer “Big Cases” column citing trial win in Purdue v. Endo litigation (Aug 2005)


At Practus, we handle complex and challenging legal matters. I look forward to talking to you about how we can best meet your goals.

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