Embracing Life’s Changes: How a Modern Law Firm Model Adapts with You 

SEP 30, 2024 | PRACTUS LLP

Embracing Life’s Changes: How a Modern Law Firm Model Adapts with You 

Authored by Tracey Watson

Routines set the stage for our daily lives, providing structure to keep us focused and productive. For some, the day begins with that first sip of coffee, while for others, it starts with the morning rush of getting kids ready or the nudge of a furry friend reminding you it’s time for breakfast. But as the seasons change—especially when summer fades into fall and the back-to-school rush sets in—our routines naturally shift.  

In traditional law firms, balancing office time with these seasonal changes can be a challenge. At Practus, however, our modern law firm model makes it effortless to adapt, allowing attorneys to adjust their routines with autonomy over where, when, and how they work. We’ll dive into three ways a modern firm helps attorneys as their routines shift with the upcoming seasons: flexibility over schedule, remote work capabilities, and autonomy over workload.  

1. Flexible Work Schedules for a Changing Daily Routine 

Attorneys’ work schedules and how they plan their day vary depending on the type of law they practice and their personal lives. Traditional 9-5 models often don’t account for the differences between lawyers’ practice areas or how they interact with clients. For example, the daily routine of a litigation attorney is often different from a trust & estates attorney. Similarly, the routine of an attorney with young kids in the home also tends to look different compared to a lawyer without kids or kids that are out of the house.  

In a modern law firm like Practus, attorneys work within the routines that make the most sense for their professional and personal lives, and they adapt their schedule as circumstances change. Some attorneys experience a slower pace of work in the summer months as their clients go off on holiday, so they shift their daily routine to emphasize spending more time with family and friends. When back-to-school season arrives or holidays wrap up, they’re ready to welcome clients back with renewed energy and commitment. 

Flexible schedules offer a solution to the natural ebbs and flows that attorneys and their clients experience throughout the year. Although routines shift with the seasons, the work ethic and caliber of legal services remain constant—and at the end of the day, that’s what matters most. 

2. Work-from-Anywhere: Embracing the Remote Options 

Practicing law in an office every day simply doesn’t work for some lawyers; neither does working every day from a home office. Modern law firms offer the choice of where you work. Some of our partners choose to work in an office, a few of our partners opt for a co-working space, and others work around the world (did you see our temporary Arctic Circle office?).  

The key is the remote nature of firms like Practus makes it easy to adapt to what suits each team member best. If someone is living in the 120+ degree heat of the Arizona desert and needs to escape to cooler temperatures to work effectively, they can. If an attorney needs to visit a client in person for an extended period, they can easily do so and take their work with them. When one of our team members becomes a caretaker, they have the flexibility to work from home while providing support to their loved ones. Quickly adapting to the expected (or unexpected) changes in routine is one of the biggest reasons modern law firms have skyrocketed in popularity over the last four years.  

Of course, having the option to choose where you practice law does require a level of entrepreneurial drive and self-motivation. This flexibility tends to be the ideal situation for attorneys with senior-level experience, whether that’s in-house or at Big Law. Since the work product has to speak for itself without the lavish offices as a distraction, attorneys at remote-first law firms put their best foot forward. 

3. Autonomy Over Workload: Aligning Work with Life’s Flow 

Remote offices and flexible work schedules are two of the first benefits associated with remote-first or modern law firms. But what really sets these firms apart from the traditional model is the autonomy attorneys gain in how they practice law. We find that providing a platform of autonomy for attorneys encourages them to think out of the box while creating tailored representation for their clients, resulting in more innovative and creative solutions.  

The autonomy that comes with working at a firm like Practus also brings joy back to practicing law. Attorneys choose their clients, set their own rates, decide what legal issues they want to tackle, and the colleagues they collaborate with. This autonomy, coupled with back-office support and the ability to collaborate with a team of more than 50+ attorneys, creates an environment where lawyers regain control over their lives and legal practice.  

When an attorney gains control over their practice, they can more easily navigate how their workflow aligns with their personal lives. Our attorneys work hard, but they also plan for breaks to recharge. Many of our partners work together on joint engagements to efficiently manage workloads while providing clients with comprehensive legal services. Whether it’s summer vacation, back-to-school season, or the winter holidays, our partners know they have the support and autonomy they need to represent their clients the best way they can while spending quality time doing the things they love.  

Simply put, a modern law firm model allows attorneys to do what they do best—deliver exceptional legal services—while also adapting to the ebb and flow of life’s changes. Whether it’s adjusting for new seasons, family commitments, or unexpected life events, Practus provides the flexibility, autonomy, and support that today’s attorneys need to thrive both personally and professionally. If you’re looking for a law firm that empowers you to take control of your career and your life, learn if Practus is the right fit for you here

The Authors
Tracey Watson
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Practus, LLP provides this information as a service to clients and others for educational purposes only. It should not be construed or relied on as legal advice or to create an attorney-client relationship. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking advice from professional advisers.

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