The Scramble To Adapt Laws and Regulation To AI

SEP 23, 2024 | PRACTUS LLP

The Scramble To Adapt Laws and Regulation To AI

Authored by Timothy A. Spangler 

If an AI-powered drone crashes into a building, who’s liable? The drone manufacturer, the software developer that gave the drone its brains, or the individual that purchased the drone and sent it airborne?  

As AI technologies explode across industries and our lives, they are blurring the lines of liability. We’re seeing a whole new paradigm emerging for which our legal frameworks may not be ready. In my latest article for the Daily Journal, Legal Liability Concerns in AI: What You Need to Know, I discuss the scramble by the courts and lawmakers to install AI guardrails without stifling innovation.    

Will the U.S. lean in the direction the EU is going or chart it’s own course? You can read the entire article here.  

The Authors
Timothy A. Spangler 
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