The Power of The Virtual Law Firm Model 

JUL 03, 2024 | PRACTUS LLP

The Power of The Virtual Law Firm Model 

Authored by Stephanie Recupero

The legal field, how clients interact with their attorneys, and how attorneys practice law has evolved a lot over the last few years… especially when it comes to technological advancements within law firms. There is one law firm model that shatters the traditional firm culture: The Virtual Law Firm. The virtual law firm model embraces autonomy, technology, and client-focused representation. 

This article shares some of the benefits of the virtual law firm model from the perspective of a law firm, what it’s like being a virtual attorney, and how clients benefit from these modern firms.  

What is a virtual law firm? 

A fully virtual law firm has no offices – your entire practice can be accessed with a laptop and you can work with clients from anywhere in the world.  

Learn more about what makes a virtual law firm different from hybrid and other modern law firms here.  

From a law firm’s perspective: 

A virtual law firm’s success is often tied to the strategic use of technology. Technology that supports attorneys and the administrative work behind being a lawyer allows modern firms to operate in parallel capacity to or at a higher capacity than a traditional firm.  

What sets a virtual law firm like Practus apart from other remote-focused firms is the adaptation of legal tech as well as an investment into our firm’s culture. Providing attorneys with the autonomy to manage their legal practice, work where and when makes most sense for them, and choose billing methods that work for their clients is at the core of what we do as a firm.  

When we take the values of independence and couple them with our commitment to a culture of celebration and collaboration, we create a firm where attorneys actually enjoy their workday again.  

Virtual law firms for attorneys: 

It’s true… working at a virtual law firm isn’t the right fit for every attorney, but it is the best fit for attorneys who are: 

1. Looking to expand their practice beyond the capacities of their current law firm 

If you’re at the point in your legal career where you feel stagnant or are looking to grow beyond what your current firm allows, check out this 3-part series: Unlocking your Legal Career Potential. It dives into how autonomy, law firm financial incentives that promote client success, and geo-location independence all work together to create opportunities for your legal practice that you may not find at a traditional law firm.  

2. Facing a crossroads in their life where they need a better work/life balance 

There comes a time in every attorney’s career when you need to choose a path: personal or professional life… at least that’s what lawyers assumed over the last several decades. Even today, most lawyers feel the pressure to choose between being an involved family member and supporting their family. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.  

Work-life balance doesn’t mean providing lesser legal services. When your law firm embraces that you’re an attorney with a personal life, it means feeling free to bring your full self to work each day. We’ve found that time and time again, happier attorneys produce better work product and have impactful attorney-client relationships.  

Hear from three of our partner-level attorneys about how they faced a crossroads in their legal career and what made them choose a modern law firm with a strong emphasis on technology here.  

3. Self-motivated, committed lawyers that don’t need oversight  

If you’re an attorney that needs oversight, we completely understand that a virtual law firm model may not be the best fit. However, the virtual law firm model is amazing for attorneys that crave more independence and are self-motivated when it comes to running their legal practice.  

At Practus, we do have an admin team that offers support when it comes to legal tech, marketing, invoicing, and law firm finance management, but our practice support operates at a firm-wide level instead of on the individual level. Why? We trust that our attorneys know how to (and want to) manage their legal practice best!  

Most attorneys at modern and hybrid law firms have a routine that’s pretty different from the old-school traditional attorney daily life. Here’s an article with 5 routines to be a successful lawyer at a tech-forward law firm. If they sound like things you already do, it may mean you’re ready to make the transition to a virtual law firm!  

Virtual law firms for clients: 

The only way a virtual law firm makes sense is if it works for clients too. In the past, law firms were slow to adapt technology to meet client expectations. Those days are long forgotten for modern law firms. 

“Technology is a powerful lever that businesses use to get more done while also improving client experiences.”

Clio Annual Legal Trends Report 

More clients opt to meet with their attorneys in a remote capacity than ever before, clients expect a more tailored approach to their legal needs, and clients in a tech-forward business (which are many of our Practus clients) want attorneys that can understand the intricacies of those technologies.  

Model Options

By removing geographical limitations, virtual law firms not only remove much of the headaches/scheduling involved with commuting to a downtown law firm office, they give clients that live in legal deserts the opportunity to receive top-tier legal services even if the client is in a county with no attorneys. This concept also gives more control to clients that need attorneys with specific experience in their industry or offer tailored approaches like alternative fee arrangements.  

Clients that choose virtual law firms do so because these firms offer them: 

  • Alternative Fee Arrangements 
  • Flexible Meeting Options 
  • Experienced Attorneys within the Client’s Industry 
  • Joint Engagement with Attorneys Across Practice Areas for Complex Issues 
  • Attorneys Licensed in Multiple Jurisdictions 
  • Tailored Legal Services  
  • Streamlined Communication with Upgraded Legal Tech 

The virtual law firm model works for attorneys and clients that are ready to embrace the new wave of legal representation. Offering more individualized services for clients and more autonomy to attorneys seems like the right step that every law firm should be taking, and we’re proud to be one of those firms.  

Learn more about Practus here or reach out to us today if the virtual law firm model sounds right for you. 

The Authors
Stephanie Recupero
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Practus, LLP provides this information as a service to clients and others for educational purposes only. It should not be construed or relied on as legal advice or to create an attorney-client relationship. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking advice from professional advisers.

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