SEC’s Division of Examinations Announces 2021 Examination Priorities
On March 3, 2021, the SEC’s Division of Examinations (formerly the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations) published its 2021 examination priorities.1 The Division’s examination priorities include certain practices, products and services that, in the Division’s view, may magnify risks to investors or to the integrity of U.S. capital markets. According to the Division, its examination priorities are intended to support the SEC’s mission to protect investors, facilitate capital formation, and maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets. Highlights of the priorities include the following:
Examination Priority |
Highlights |
Retail Investors |
Information Security |
Fintech and Innovation |
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Programs |
Investment Advisers |
Mutual Funds and ETFs |
Advisers to Private Funds |
Broker-Dealers and Municipal Advisors |
Retail Investors – Particularly Seniors and Those Saving for Retirement
The Division will focus on conflicts of interest for broker-dealers (compliance with Reg BI), Form CRS, and whether RIAs have fulfilled their fiduciary duties of care and loyalty. Additionally, the Division will examine whether firms are appropriately mitigating conflicts of interest and, where necessary, providing disclosure of conflicts that is sufficient to enable informed consent by retail investors.Retail-Targeted Investments
- Mutual Funds and ETFs. One area of focus will be recommendations and disclosures by financial intermediaries involving ETFs, including adequacy of risk disclosure and suitability (particularly with regard to niche and leveraged/inverse ETFs). The Division will also continue to focus on financial incentives to promote a particular share class when lower cost classes are available.
- Municipal Securities and Other Fixed Income Securities. The Division will examine the activities of broker-dealers, underwriters, and municipal advisors to assess whether these firms are meeting their respective obligations in relation to municipal issuer disclosure. The Division will also examine broker-dealer trading activity in municipal and corporate bonds for compliance with best execution obligations; fairness of pricing, mark-ups and mark-downs, and commissions; and confirmation disclosure requirements, including retail disclosures relating to mark-ups and mark-downs.
- Microcap Securities. The Division will continue to prioritize examinations of broker-dealers and transfer agents for compliance with their obligations in the offer, sale and distribution of microcap securities. Focus areas for examinations will include transfer agent handling of microcap distributions and share transfers; broker-dealer sales practices and their consistency with Reg BI; and broker-dealer compliance with certain regulatory requirements, including the locate requirement of Regulation SHO, penny stock disclosures required by rules under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”), and the obligation to monitor for and report suspicious AML-related activity and other AML obligations.
Information Security and Operational Resiliency
The Division will continue to review business continuity and disaster recovery plans of firms, but will shift its focus to whether such plans, particularly those of systemically important firms, are accounting for the growing physical and other relevant risks associated with climate change. As climate-related events become more frequent and more intense, the Division will review whether firms are considering effective practices to help improve responses to large-scale climate-related events. Another area of focus will be safeguarding customer accounts and preventing account intrusions. Particular focus areas will include:- Verifying an investor’s identity to prevent unauthorized account access;
- Overseeing vendors and service providers;
- Addressing malicious email activities such as phishing or account intrusions;
- Responding to incidents, including those related to ransomware attacks; and
- Managing operational risk as a result of dispersed employees in a work-from-home environment.
- Risk Alert – Credential Compromise.pdf (
- Risk Alert – Ransomware.pdf (
- Risk Alert – COVID-19 Compliance.pdf (
Financial Technology (Fintech) and Innovation, Including Digital Assets
Among other areas, examinations of “robo-advisers” and other firms providing financial services to clients and customers in innovative and evolving ways will focus on evaluating:- Whether firms are operating consistently with their representations;
- Whether firms are handling customer orders in accordance with their instructions; and
- Review compliance around trade recommendations made in mobile applications.
- Whether investments are in the best interests of investors;
- Portfolio management and trading practices;
- Safety of client funds and assets;
- Pricing and valuation;
- Effectiveness of compliance programs and controls; and
- Supervision of representatives’ outside business activities.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Programs
The Division will continue to review for compliance with applicable AML requirements, including an evaluation of whether broker-dealers and investment companies have adequate policies and procedures in place that are reasonably designed to identify suspicious activity and illegal money-laundering activities.The London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) Transition
The Division will continue to engage with firms through examinations to assess their understanding of any exposure to LIBOR, their preparations for the expected discontinuation of LIBOR, and the transition to an alternative reference rate.Additional Focus Areas Involving RIAs and Investment Companies
Compliance Programs
The Division will continue to review the compliance programs of RIAs, including whether those programs and their policies and procedures are reasonably designed, implemented, and maintained.- ESG Investment Strategies. In light of the increase in RIAs offering investment strategies that focus on ESG factors, the Division will continue to focus on products in these areas that are widely available to investors including open-end funds and ETFs, as well as those offered to accredited investors such as qualified opportunity funds. The Division will review the consistency and adequacy of the disclosures RIAs and fund complexes provide to clients regarding these strategies, determine whether the firms’ processes and practices match their disclosures, review fund advertising for false or misleading statements, and review proxy voting policies and procedures and votes to assess whether they align with the strategies.
Finally, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) is also involved in the ESG discussion. On March 17, 2021, CFTC Acting Chairman Rostin Behnam announced the establishment of a CFTC Climate Risk Unit (“CRU”) to focus on the role of derivatives in understanding, pricing, and addressing climate-related risk and transitioning to a low-carbon economy. The announcement and the focus areas of the CRU can be found at CFTC Acting Chairman Behnam Establishes New Climate Risk Unit | CFTC.
Mutual Funds and ETFs
Examinations of mutual funds and ETFs will focus on disclosures to investors, valuation, filings with the SEC, personal trading activities, contracts and agreements, and will include a review of fund governance practices and compliance programs. The Division will prioritize examinations of mutual funds or ETFs that have not previously been examined or have not been examined in a number of years, and will generally focus on:- fund compliance programs and financial condition, particularly where funds have instituted advisory fee waivers;
- compliance with exemptive relief, including for the newly created non-transparent, actively managed ETFs; and
- funds’ and advisers’ disclosures and practices related to securities lending.
RIAs to Private Funds
- The Division will continue to focus on advisers to private funds, and will assess compliance risks, including a focus on liquidity and disclosures of investment risks and conflicts of interest.
- The Division will also focus on advisers to private funds that have a higher concentration of structured products, such as collateralized loan obligations and mortgage backed securities, to assess whether the private funds are at a higher risk for holding non-performing loans and having loans with higher default risk than that disclosed to investors.
Additional Focus Areas Involving Broker-Dealers and Municipal Advisors
Examinations of broker-dealers will continue to focus on:- Compliance with the Customer Protection Rule (Rule 15c3-3 under the Exchange Act) and the Net Capital Rule (Rule 15c3-1 under the Exchange Act);
- Adequacy of internal processes, procedures, controls, and compliance with requirements for borrowing securities from customers; and
- Compliance with best execution in a zero commission environment, recently amended Rule 606 order routing disclosure rules under Reg NMS, and market-maker compliance with Reg SHO.
Municipal Advisors
Examinations of municipal advisors will focus on:- How municipal advisors may have adjusted their practices in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential impact on municipal advisors and their clients; and
- Whether municipal advisors have met their fiduciary duty obligations to municipal entity clients, including the disclosing of and managing conflicts of interest and documentation of the scope of their client engagements.
The Division’s priorities reflect its assessment of certain risks, issues, and policy matters arising from market and regulatory developments, information gathered from examinations, and other sources, including tips, complaints, and referrals, and coordination with other Divisions and Offices at the SEC as well as other regulators. Broker-dealers, investment companies, investment advisers and municipal advisors are on notice about the Division’s priorities and areas of focus.Who should we talk to if we have further questions?
Please call Karen Aspinall (949-629-3928) or the Practus attorney with whom you deal regularly with questions.Article Footnotes
- 2021 Examination Priorities, Division of Examinations, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Mar. 3, 2021) (2021 Examination Priorities Report (
- Information security was included in the Division’s 2020 exam priorities as well. See 2020 Examination Priorities, Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Jan. 7, 2020) (2020 Examination Priorities (
- Department of the Treasury, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Anti-Money Laundering Program and Suspicious Activity Report Filing Requirements for Registered Investment Advisers, 80 Fed Reg. 169 (Sept. 1, 2015) (proposing 31 C.F.R. X).
- See e.g., Speech of Allison Herren Lee, Acting Chair, A Climate for Change; Meeting Investor Demand for Climate and ESG Information at the SEC (Mar. 15, 2021).
- See Public Statement of Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee, Public Input Welcomed on Climate Change Disclosures (Mar. 15, 2021), available at | Public Input Welcomed on Climate Change Disclosures.