High Five Newsletter 6/6

JUN 06, 2024 | PRACTUS LLP

High Five Newsletter 6/6

Authored by Carol Rose

Legal news, some illegal. All of it interesting

1. When Love Fades, Romance Goes Bankrupt

It was supposed to be happily ever after – romance writers yearning to build strong, chiseled, pulsing commercial success, braving the wild winds of the market to find belonging and career help in the Romance Writers of America. But heaving scandals and accusations of racism left the organization broken and battered, clinging to shriveling membership numbers and on the hook for an abyss of empty hotel rooms jilted at annual conferences. A bereft RWA could only turn the page – to Chapter 11 bankruptcy and throw themselves at the mercy of the judge. Will it escape the cruel burden of some $3M in debt to hotels and creditors? Can RWA win back the love of its former members, now sworn enemies?

Reorganizing romance here…

2. Hulk Mad, Hulk Suing “Abusive Daughter”

The OG angry green behemoth, Lou Ferrigno, accuses his daughter of elder abuse. Hulk sued her for blocking his access to the social media accounts he uses to promote his career. Hulk smash. He says puny human is demanding hundreds of thousands of dollars for login credentials. The daughter says she spent 12 years and several hours a day building his social media presence and he kept promising to pay her. But Hulk break, Hulk destroy promises. This is just family Hulk’s latest court drama. Ferrigno tried to get his wife declared mentally incompetent and she filed for divorce accusing him of abuse and always reminding her he was The Hulk.

Embodiment of rage here…

3. Yogis Go Warrior Over City Ordinance

Two San Diego yoga instructors are bent out of shape and suing San Diego over its crack downward-facing dog on classes at parks and beaches. Officials say the universe told them (local residents) they’re frustrated with the big crowds these classes can attract, so they’re enforcing a ban on even free classes of more than four people without a permit .It’s a chakra twist, since singing and face painting are allowed. Breathing through their third eye, the instructors say calmly that the First Amendment guarantees their right to namaste in the parks. They’re teachers, sharing yoga not spiritual gangsters.

Hold your pose here…

4. Big Biz Offended by Corporate Offender Registry

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s creating a public rap sheet of businesses who broke consumer protections laws. Consumers, watchdogs, and others could hopefully identify repeat offenders or patterns. One guess who doesn’t like it. Businesses. Some 7K+ could make “the list,” which will compile orders from state, federal and local governments and courts. What’s got Big Biz seeing red is that it will also capture consent orders – legally resolved issues in which the company didn’t admit wrongdoing. Lobbyists call it a litigation road map (said with a straight face) that’s not helpful to consumers. Oooor, say supporters, it’ll help people avoid shady companies. Pro tip – don’t break the law, avoid the list.

Open for business here…

5. Where is the Love? Tokyo Launches Dating App

Bumble, Tinder, Match and Hinge had their chance, now it’s Tokyo’s turn. The big dating apps are not fomenting enough hotto motto among Japan’s young people. With a plunging birthrate and a looming labor shortage, Tokyo’s launching its own dating app this summer. If you want things done right, you gotta do it yourself, we guess.  Officials say most of the marriage-minded have ghosted the apps. They hope their matchmaker will stoke the love fires. This may be the first time a  municipality has developed a dating app. Some on social media swiped left on the idea, but others say they’d feel safer with Tokyo’s app than the others.

Sushi for two here…

The Authors

This Practus, LLP publication should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. The contents are intended for general informational purposes only, and you are urged to consult your own lawyer on any specific legal questions you may have concerning your situation.

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