High Five Newsletter 5/17

MAY 17, 2024 | PRACTUS LLP

High Five Newsletter 5/17

Authored by Carol Rose

Legal news, some illegal. All of it interesting

1. NCIS: Moon? Scientists Prepping for Space Murders

Just in case astronauts boldly go toward homicide in addition to other planets, forensic scientists are studying how murder might look in space. Did they hear something? Anyway, they’re studying the way blood splatters when it’s weightless and other issues in that vein. Researchers shot out droplets of fake blood on an adapted spacecraft during periods of low gravity and reconstructed angles of impact. Based on their studies, they’re A positive blood drops in space splatter in shapes and sizes you don’t see on Earth.  That’s important because in space no one can hear you scream.

Bloodwork here…

2. 9th Decides if Bidding on Rival’s Google Terms Infringes

Why’d the business bid on its competitor’s Google search terms? To get consumers to the other site – theirs. Bad joke, but real case. The Ninth Circuit will decide if that violated trademark laws. Arizona law firm, Lerner & Rowe, contends its competitor illegally siphoned off customers when it bid on Google keywords matching its trademarked name. Between 2018 and 2021, Accident Law Group bid on search terms like “Lerner Rowe,” “Lerner & Rowe,” and “Lerner and Rowe.” Because it bid highest, its website came up first in search results. L&R claims that confused consumers. The Ninth must decide how much, if any, confusion constitutes trademark infringement. They should just Google it.

Search your engines here…

3. Lotto Winner Accused of Not Sharing

If money changes you, winning $1B really does a number. A Maine man who won the Mega Millions lottery last year– one of the biggest in U.S history – has been paying lawyers ever since. He sued his daughter’s mom for allegedly violating a nondisclosure agreement by telling the family about his $500M in the bank. The ex says that’s rich. He’s the one who spilled the beans. And the half-billionaire’s dad is backing her up. In court documents, Dad says Junior announced he’d won and promised to set up a trust for him. One condition – no more contact with his granddaughter’s mother. Since that gold trigger, the two haven’t spoken.

Material whirl here…

4. Judge Judy’s Coming for Nat’l Enquirer

They’ve done it now. The parent company of National Enquirer and InTouch Weekly has incurred the wrath of Judge Judy Sheindlin. The Reality TV judge is suing Accelerate360 for a story published in both publications about her efforts to help the Menendez brothers get a retrial in the murder conviction of their parents 35 years ago. Sheindlin says she can’t stand stupid. If she could fine you for stupid she would, instead she’s suing for defamation. And this won’t be some small claim like those depicted on her TV show.  JJ says it has to be expensive so they stop.  Now stand up straight and don’t mumble.

The not small claim here…

5. Billionaire Wants Her Portrait Out of Museum

Oz’s richest person wants a portrait of her on display at the National Gallery of Australia placed down under – way down under where no one can see it. Gina Rinehart made her billions in mining and donates to the NGA. Hers is one of nearly two dozen portraits that appear in famed Aboriginal artist Vincent Namatjira’s retrospective. In fairness – it’s not flattering. Rinehart’s shown with an exaggerated double chin and frowny face. We don’t see it making her holiday card. Despite her personally asking the NGA director to deinstall the portrait, the museum declined. Critics say her request paints a clear picture of someone refusing to understand what art should do.

Portrait of a lady here…

The Authors

This Practus, LLP publication should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. The contents are intended for general informational purposes only, and you are urged to consult your own lawyer on any specific legal questions you may have concerning your situation.

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