Legal news, some illegal. All of it interesting
1. Property Bothers: Botched Remodel Suit
Dream home or scheme home? Two owners of a Las Vegas house renovated on HGTV’s Property Brothers say it’s definitely the ladder. The couple is suing HGTV and Cineflix, the production company, after a $200K makeover by Jonathan and Drew Scott allegedly left their home with a moldy dishwasher, sewage-filled cupboards, and a collapsed sink. They claim Cineflix wasn’t licensed in Nevada, and hired inexperienced contractors who didn’t measure up, leaving their house a biohazard. A jury trial is set for October 2024. If their case holds water – unlike that sink – they could raise the roof on damages and receive up to $9M.
2. Tesla vs. Tesla: Why Musk is Suing
You read that right. Tesla is suing Tesla. And yes, it involves infringement allegations. Elon Musk’s Tesla wants Tesla Power in India to power down its use of “Tesla.” But the battery maker says it has no intention of making EVs so quit giving them static. The case is being heard before the Delhi High Court. The next hearing takes place toward the end of May. All of this happens shortly after Musk canceled a trip to India last month in which he was expected to finally announce the launch of Tesla EVs there. Instead, Musk went to China which India media portrayed as a turbo-charged snub. Tesla began taking reservations from Indians for the Model 3 in 2016.
3. Americans Getting Burned by Sunscreen
Sunscreens sold in countries such as Japan, South Korea, and France have stronger ultraviolet filters than those in the U.S. Chemicals commonly used abroad for 40 years aren’t approved here because of a 1938 law. It requires sunscreens to be classified as drugs and tested on animals. Elsewhere sunscreens are considered cosmetics and makers have thrown shade at the U.S. drug designation pointing out that they submitted safety data to European Union authorities 20 years ago. Securing FDA approval is timely and expensive, plus companies worry they’ll face consumer backlash in the EU, which bans animal testing for cosmetics. So, not to rub it in, but Americans are burning.
4. British Capostrophe Angers Residents
A UK town is banning apostrophes on street signs, which doesn’t sit well with residents who feel possessive of the punctuation mark. They say streets such as “St. Marys Walk“ look weird and wrong without their apostrophes. Not surprisingly, some grammar guerilla immediately took a subordinate pause from the rule and added one with a pen. Officials say comma down, they’re doing what many towns across the country are doing to conform with national standards that restrict punctuation in addresses to avoid problems with the computer systems. Maybe, but one citizen says first it’s the apostrophes, then conjugations. Next thing you know everything’s gone downhill.
5. Panda-monium Over Painted Dogs at Zoo
Not every zoo in China receives pandas. The country’s bamboo-eating national treasures are highly protected and regulated. But one zoo took the bold – if fraudulent step – to panda-er to the people’s love of the creatures, and introduced their “panda” habitat. Zoo visitors were outraged to discover they had been dogfished. The pandas were actually Chow Chow dogs, shaved and died black and white to look like baby pandas. Maybe their barking gave it away. Despite the obvious bait and fetch, the zoo put the panda-dogs on display every day attracting huge crowds and criticism. Why such bearwilderment? Officials say they have no pandas so they painted dogs. Asked and answered.