High Five Newsletter 4/19

APR 19, 2024 | PRACTUS LLP

High Five Newsletter 4/19

Authored by Carol Rose

Legal news, some illegal. All of it interesting

1. Plastic Surgeon Nipped & Tucked Negative Reviews

A Seattle plastic surgeon is accused of being rhinonasty by illegally blocking patients’ right to post negative reviews.  A U.S. District court found that his clinic forced more than 10K patients to sign non-disclosure agreements before receiving treatment but after they’d paid a $100 nonrefundable consultation fee. The consumer protection lawsuit, brought after the Attorney General’s Office received numerous complaints, says patients were told that any reviews below four stars were considered lipo sucky. They were also made to pay monetary damages to the practice for any losses if they posted a negative review and refused to lift it. No surprise the clinic boasted an augmented 5-star rating.

Before and after pics here…  

2. Undone London Couple Divorced by Mistake

A law firm clerk in London chose the wrong file from a dropdown menu of an online court portal and just like that divorced the wrong couple. The man and wife had been married 21 years when they separated in 2023. They were still negotiating financial agreements when the clerk accidentally finalized their Big D.  The exes petitioned a judge to undo their I don’ts but he refused, saying to revive what a clerk put asunder would violate the public’s trust in a truly final divorce order. But at least one UK divorce expert says divorce by clerical error is way more likely to trouble the public.

Aisle not be seeing you here…

3. Endless Shrimp Promo Batters Red Lobster

Red Lobster says it may file for bankruptcy and its Endless Shrimp deal’s partly to blame. For just $20 diners could order as much shellfish as they could eat. TikTok videos of people showing off their haul went viral and business spiked 4 percent. But execs say everyone ate way more shrimp than expected. Faster than you can shake a Cheddar Bay Biscuit, this nationwide prawn shop was sinking. High labor costs and expensive leases have also lobster clawed away at profits. Last year the chain reported losses of $11M making its owner, Thai Union, somewhat crabbyfest. Red Lobster’s next catch of the day may be Chapter 11.

Another thing ruined by TikTok here…

4. Gordon Ramsay Restaurant: Squatters on the Menu

There may be hell’s kitchen to pay in London or maybe not. Squatters, whose knickers are twisted over gentrification, took over one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants. Their planned café and art gallery will welcome victims of posh spread. The eatery closed amid Ramsay’s lease dispute with the owner. The celeb chef called police but – kitchen nightmare – they told him it’s a civil matter. Occupation of non-residential property without the owner’s permission isn’t a crime in England. Squatters can apply to become owners after they’ve stayed 10 years. That’s when Ramsay said, “You’re all crap! My gran could do better and she’s DEAD!” Ok, he didn’t actually say that.

Don’t just stand there like a big effing muffin, read more…

5. Employee Secretly Hangs Own Art in German Museum

From Germany, an artist, who if nothing else, believes in himselbst. Though he’s now unemployed. But before he lost his job at Munich’s Pinakothek der Moderne, he saw dar modernist treasures of Pablo Picasso, Franz Marc, and Oskar Schlemmer and thought, if they Kandinsky do it, soKandisky I!  And he hung up his own masterpiece in one of the halls of the museum. Administrators are not sure how long it was on dischplay or why nobody noticed. But they didn’t dilly Dali in taking it down and banning him from the place. Police are investigating but the only criminal charges the worker faces are for drilling holes in der wall.

Schuffering artist here…

The Authors

This Practus, LLP publication should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. The contents are intended for general informational purposes only, and you are urged to consult your own lawyer on any specific legal questions you may have concerning your situation.

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