If there’s one thing that stirs a debate at Practus, it’s where to get the best doughnuts. We are a law firm that (by our own assessment) may possess the highest doughnut knowledge per partner in the legal industry. Beyond a firm-wide love of perfection circles, attorneys Andy Heger and Molly Aspan practice doughnut law (among many other things.) In fact, Molly has represented half of a half dozen doughnut companies, so, yeah, we’re in the know about dough.
Call me, Long John Lively
Practus attorneys are sprinkled all over the country and everyone has their favorite place, so the bear claws come out when talk turns to which bakery reigns supreme. As a long-time aficionado – my friends call me Long John – I’m all about Daylight Donuts in Kansas and Southern Maid in Texas. But Andy swears by Donut Man in California. We’ve agreed to disagree.
How to celebrate National Doughnut Day?
Clearly, this is an organization born for National Doughnut Day, June 7. But the variety of opinions made us batter weary about sending each Practus member doughnuts to celebrate. After all, receiving a dozen from some place you don’t like can leave you feeling sunken donuts. Can’t have that.
Delicious deliveries to 72 locations from 72 local shops
There was only one solution: send each person donuts from their favorite local joint. After copious research, jam-packed logistical machinations, shocking twists, mix-ups, and mochi more, that’s what we did! We won’t sugarcoat it – getting 72 dozen of those angel Os transported from 72 doughnut shops, left some of us glazed, confused, and a little battered. But it was entirely worth it. We’ll be taking a powder, until next year…