Paul Cimino Was on Top of the World – Seriously

SEP 16, 2024 | PRACTUS LLP

Paul Cimino Was on Top of the World – Seriously

Authored by Carol Rose

Some people go to the beach to escape the summer heat, but Paul Cimino and his son Thomas went north – really north.  In fact, they went as far north as you can go and still stay in the United States – to Point Barrow, Alaska.  We were tempted to ask Paul to plant a Practus flag – just temporarily.  Instead, Paul and Thomas proudly sported Practus swag so we could say for at least one day, we have Arctic offices. 

The only way to get to Point Barrow is to fly to the remote town of Utqiagvik and hire a Native guide for the off-road trip to Point Barrow.  Paul says you can’t walk around too much because of the wildlife in the area, and the Native guide was armed just to be safe.  Case in point, the polar bear family they encountered on their way. 

Paul says the ursine group was scavenging a whale carcass when they arrived, and after a brief stare-down from the mother, the trio played around and then swam off into the Arctic Ocean.  Talk about a cold plunge.  

Paul Cimino has served as in-house and fractional outside legal counsel to private and public companies across a broad spectrum of industries.  

The Authors

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